Provide Comments
The DAF Values Your Input in the NEPA Process
Your Input Matters
The DAF welcomes your comments. You can provide them:
By email to
By the U.S. Mail to:
AMOS STAR EIS c/o Tetra Tech
1230 Columbia Street, Suite 1000
San Diego, CA 92101
You also can provide oral comments at the scoping meetings.
Making the Most of Your Scoping Comments
Provide your comments early so DAF can consider them thoroughly.
Make your comments clear, concise, and relevant to the Proposed Action—the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing Site Small Telescope Advanced Research (AMOS STAR) facility.
Participate as an individual; by working with other interested individuals or organizations; or by working through your state or local government.
Consider when developing your comments:
The issues of greatest concern to you and why.
Additional resources that should be evaluated.
Alternatives or mitigation measures that would reduce or avoid impacts.
Information resources you think should be considered.
Solution-oriented comments that provide specific examples are more effective than comments that simply support or oppose the Proposed Action or state that it will have “significant environmental effects” without describing them.
Stay Informed
Use the resources provided on the project website to learn about the proposed AMOS STAR facility and participate in the NEPA process.
During scoping, the public is asked to submit comments within 45 days of publication of the NOI so the agency can thoroughly consider them as it prepares the Draft EIS. All comments are requested to be submitted or postmarked by June 7, 2024.
Check the AMOS STAR EIS website and watch for newspaper notices, media releases, and direct mailings announcing the availability of the Draft EIS. The public comment period for the Draft EIS will be 45 days.
If you would like to be notified of when the draft EIS is available for review, submit a request by email or U.S. Mail or during the scoping meetings or public hearings to be added to the project mailing list.